Meet Your NC Boudoir Photographer

You may not know me yet and therefore you need a little bit more info before you're prancing through my studio, getting your boudie on.

I mean, I would want to know about my photographer, too! 💁🏼‍♀️

1998, braces, bling, and doing my thing…


From beauty pageants, to shooting beauties... who knew back then I would become a cheerleader for #LimeLightBeauties?!

Being in front of a camera was common growing up, and it pretty much came natural for me.

It wasn't until after high school that my time in front quickly became me wanting to hide behind the lens instead.

In fact, it would be another 15 years before I started to be comfortable(ish) in front of the camera.

And honestly, I still have my tough days.

This is also me…


I love everything about these photos, from the "credit-card swipe" cleavage (trust me it's the bra), curves of my hips to my thick thighs (that save lives, amirite?).

But I must admit, I didn't always feel this way.

After two kids, my self love took a hit.

i know exactly how it feels to

not love your body or yourself…

The experiences with myself and my body have left me quite attuned to how my clients feel when they get in front of my camera.

It's a sense of being vulnerable and lack of control over how you are portrayed.

But I got you, Boo-Boo!

Because I've been there, too.

Even at both ends of the weight spectrum, it is just now I am comfortable with my self regardless of size.

"Beauty to me is about being comfortable in your own skin. That or a kick-ass red lipstick."

- Gywneth Paltrow


I should probably start at the beginning. I'm a Millennial – er, or an Xennial, or possibly Gen X, depending on which article you are reading.

I was born and raised in southeastern North Carolina, where I currently live. I love being in NC, not far from the coast!

More About Me:

I should probably start at the beginning. I'm a Millennial – er, or an Xennial, or possibly Gen X, depending on which article you are reading.

I was born and raised in southeastern North Carolina, where I currently live. I love being in NC, not far from the coast!

  • I've been doing photography for over 13 years, shooting Boudoir full-time since 2016.

  • I'm recently became a Real Estate Broker for Southeast Realty! (Learn more)

  • I am a Registered Nurse, with 10 years experience in Obstetrics. I previously served women and newborns in the hospital setting. -Which is why I feel Boudoir comes just so natural to me.

  • I am married to the love of my life, whom I started dating in high school. I know, crazy right?! We've been together over 21 years.

  • I am a mother of two. I have an 12 year old daughter and a 8 year old little boy who keeps me on my toes! And no, I have my hands full... no more for me!

  • I love keeping myself busy although spending time with my family is where I find my true joy and happiness.




enough about me, i want to know about you!

I want to know what makes you tick. Pick any or all of these questions and email us ( your answers! I love supporting other women and would love to hear from you!

  1. What is the biggest obstacle you've overcome in your life?

  2. What makes you happy?

  3. What gets you over-the-moon excited? What gives you life?

  4. What do you like to do in your free time?

I seriously want to know more about you and what drives you each and every day.

So slide on into my inbox, baby, and tell me who you are.

I'll be here!

